Cost vs Benefit of third party software libraries

Recently I have been looking into how to improve the software delivery cycle for new and existing projects. The first area I want to look at was introducing third party dependencies into software projects. There have been several debates on public forums on whether it is better to use third party components into your solution or not. See Not invented here. I recall reading that the benefit of third party dependencies is inversely proportional to the amount of effort and longevity of the project (can’t place the reference).

A New Room Temperature Superconductor Discovered

I have always been fascinated by superconductors ever since College when we experimented with NIB magnets in liquid nitrogen. Recently, there is great news coming from the physics world recently. Two different room different room temperature superconductors results in a matter of months. An intriguing set of discoveries that could open the flood gates for new applications. In September 2020, a completely new mechanism of superconductivity in SrRuO4 a.k.a “g-wave”. Check out this story in phys.

Simplifying OCI CLI config

Traditional Setup In general, when I am setting up Oracle OCI-CLI interface for the first time, I find it being time consuming. The documentation tells you to manually create a ~/.oci/config file by manually copying and pasting values from the Oracle Cloud Administration dashboard. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ~]$ oci setup config This command provides a walkthrough of creating a valid CLI config file.

Six possible reasons not to transition to the cloud.

I was reading this article, that discussed important points to consider before moving to the cloud. I felt like they missed a couple of points. Here is my list. Training cost - When I used to manage Oracle Maintenance Wizard product, I had opportunities to engage with various C-Level executives. One topic that used come up was why they didn’t patch their Oracle E-Business suite as often as they should.

What's more secure... Docker or Kubernetes?

I get this question a lot from various acquaintances trying to choose the best platform to migrate to; ideally using The standard response is that every platform has it own pros and cons. My general advice is that the choice should be based on your company’s skill set regarding each platform, the complexity of the project your migrating, and their ability the manage the security risks related to each one.